Rockin’ Roadway

Rockin' Roadway
Local Expert's Rating:
4 / 5
The Bottom Line:

The Rockin' Roadway is a classic car ride that gives you the opportunity to steer a thunderbird or corvette around a 50s-themed track. The young and young at heart will love this opportunity to "drive" one of these classics!

- The Local Expert Team

Grab the wheel, even if you don’t have a license, and take off on the Rockin’ Roadway! Embrace all the freedom that comes with driving around in your very own convertible! You can even snuggle up with someone special as this ride will take you back to yesteryear in all the right ways.

If you’ve ever dreamed of driving around in one of the classics, like a thunderbird or corvette, your dreams are about to come true! You get to hop behind the wheel and take off down a track where everything is set in the 50s. You’ll be able to really get in the nostalgic mood with the 50s music coming from your car’s stereo, and if that’s not enough, the road signs are all set in that period as well!

Honk your horn as you drive under tunnels and over bridges. Wave to other drivers who you’ll pass while you’re out on your joyride! We guarantee everyone you pass will give you a smile as they feel all of their worries going away on the Rockin’ Roadway!

In case you’re concerned about the 5 year old you just saw behind the wheel getting off course, no worries, each car is on a track. They’ll still be the one turning the wheel, but for those wild drivers, the track will make sure no fender benders pop up!

Inside Tip:
The Rockin’ Roadway cars can hold up to two people, so you can ride solo or with a buddy!