Asheville Treetops Adventure Center

Asheville Treetops Adventure Center: An Experience for Everyone
Local Expert's Rating:
4.5 / 5
The Bottom Line:

If the idea of seeing the world from a bird’s eye view appeals to you, Asheville Treetops Adventure Park is likely to make you (and your entire party) very happy. With 70 unique ways to be suspended over the forest floor, there is something for everyone at least 10 years of age and under 250 pounds. The activities are cleverly designed to engage guests of all skill levels.

- The Local Expert Team

Located a mere five minutes from downtown Asheville, Treetops Adventure is an unusual, unforgettable way to burn energy and have fun. Think of it as a jungle gym for adults, with 60 different activities to choose from.

Whether you visit  in hopes of getting a  great workout, to bond with your family, test your courage, or achieve a new personal goal, no two trips to Treetops Adventure are alike. What’s especially challenging for you on one day may seem far easier the next.

You have five trails from which to choose. No one pushes or prods and you are allowed to experience the park at your own pace. The trail you choose depends upon your age and skill level, with each trail containing 10 to 15 different challenges. Here’s is a quick breakdown of your options:

Green Trail
12 to 15 feet above the ground, the green trail is designed for first-timers and anyone who might not feel especially adventurous. It’s fun, but not scary.

Blue Trail
A little more challenging than the green trail, but still perfect for younger climbers. Best yet, it ends with a zipline experience.

Yellow Trail
This trail is nicknamed the “ladder,” due to the fact that you must climb 25 feet about the forest floor in order to make your way through a series of cable walks and bridges. The big payoff? You get to fly through the air on a hang glider just prior to testing your mettle on a huge cargo web.

Orange Trail
Things are a little higher now (30 feet above the ground), with more exposure to elements that move. It features a high-in-the-trees sliding board and kayak zipline.

Red Trail
Here you will find yourself 45 feet up, tackling challenges like “The Stair Rope to Heaven,” and steeling your nerves as you work your way through swaying tree and structures. There’s also a climbing wall and snowboard zipline. At the very end, you rappel back to earth.

Prior to your adventure, you are given equipment and a quick training course. One thing you will learn is that the park works by using a technology called “smart belays,” designed to make sure that you cannot detach from the safety system until you have completed the aerial trail. In other words, there is no way to accidentally un-clip from the safety points.

If you’re still feeling nervous, remember that the park was designed and engineered by the best in the business and that regular inspections take place. One thing visitors seem to appreciate is the fact that they get to choose a trail that fits their skill level and they alone control the amount of time spent on any one element. No one rushes them through or expects them to do anything outside of their comfort zone.

While you don’t have to be a perfect physical specimen in order to enjoy the park, you should be aware that it can be challenging. Due to safety equipment ratings, you must weigh 250 pounds or less in order to participate.

Insider Tips:
-Dress for comfort and safety. You’re going to be wearing a safety harness around your upper things, so wear long short or pants to prevent chaffing. Leave your ball cap, jewelry, and anything loose in your pockets at home, in your hotel room, or in your car. If you wear glasses or sunglasses, attach a strap so you don’t lose them to the forest floor.  If you have long hair, tie it back.
-Check the weather before you leave for the park and be sure to dress in layers if the temperature is expected to rise or drop during your visit.